Welcome to Discovering the Male Mysteries with Mel Mystery. This blog is a supplement to my podcast is for and about gay and bi pagan men. My podcasts are about what it is to be gay, what it is to be pagan, what it is to be men — sometimes as separate topics and sometimes all meshed together as one. I started this endeavor after seeing that there were few, if any, podcasts out there on this topic. The podcasts are informative, and present topics that challenge conventional thinking.

Archive for July, 2019

Queer Pagan Speakers and Publications Directories

I’m in the process of two major updates for my website (www.melmystery.com).

For one thing, I’m creating an online directory of Queer Pagan speakers and presenters. It seems to me that having an online directory would make it easier to find speakers and presenters for Queer Pagan specific events, conferences, and gatherings. It seems like it would also be a nice resource for “mainstream” Pagan and LGBTQ events that want to provide better diversity and representation.

If you are an LGBTQ+ Pagan who presents workshops or speaks at events and want to be listed, please contact me for additional details. Please feel free to share the online directory with folks who might be looking for speakers and presenters at events too.

You can view the directory directly through this link: http://www.melmystery.com/index.php/links/queer-pagan-speaker-directory

Secondly, I’m in the process of updating the “Publications” link page on my website. This page includes links to Queer Pagan online magazines and journals, podcasts, blogs, and other such resources of interest to LGBTQ Pagans. The one major criterion I have for being linked there is that the publication be somehow specific to Queer Pagans. This might mean the author / host is an LGBTQ Pagan and states this in their bio or this comes through in their content.

You can view the publication page directly at: http://www.melmystery.com/index.php/links/publications
If you want to be listed on either page, you can  contact me through the e-mail link on my website.

Latest Podcast Available — Episode 18: Discovering Arcadia

PanThis episode is about the magickal land of Arcadia in ancient Greece, its theme as a metaphor for a homosexual utopia among 19th century homosexual men, and it being the name for a new gathering for gay and bi Pagan men on the East Coast.

The rustic, wooded land of Arcadia was home to Greek gods such as Zeus, Hermes, and Pan, as well as satyrs, centaurs, nymphs, and other magickal creatures.  The “gay god” segment of this episode will focus on the Greek god Pan.

The Arcadia gathering is scheduled to take place October 9-12, 2019 in Cumberland, Virginia.

You can listen to the latest episode by visiting my webpage (http://www.melmystery.com/) or searching for me on Podbean.